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Project duration:

2 Years

Role & Responsibility:

Senior UX/UI Designer

Project type:

Car rental


Nowadays, air pollution is a problem that many countries in the world inevitably encounter. PM 2.5 air pollutants, in particular, have become a serious issue in Thailand and internationally. They are gradually affecting the environment as well as human health around the world.

On the rise with the awareness about the PM 2.5 problems are the public efforts to improve the air quality. As more people learned that car engines are one of the primary sources, the adoption of electric cars has also been increasing, as shown in the number of newly registered electric cars in Thailand which rose 42.4 percent compared with last year. This growth of EV adoption shows a significant increase in public interest in electric vehicles. Moreover, the Thai government has a variety of support policies for EV cars which is also one of the reasons the EVme project was initiated.

EV Car Overall growth up in Thailand.

The information above shows the data of the growing electric car market in Thailand. EVme aims to promote the application and build a customers' database in Thailand and plan a business expansion into Southeast Asia.

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- Brand Philosophy -

Driving a low carbon society

For a better quality of life



"EV car is a tool
that can fix our

Mr. Bank (Tech lover)

ENV Specialist

"EV Car is an

Mr. Printer (Tech savvy)

Software developer

Customer journey

The information above is from the designer team’s process of brainstorming and sharing the data. Every designer takes part in analyzing data from the user interviews to understand the situation and be on the same page.

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There are 10 participants consisting of men in the age group of 25-45 who currently live in Bangkok or the Metropolitan Area. The participants are interested in technology, keep up with the latest trends, especially of electric vehicles, and consider technology an essential part of their daily life.

Cost is at the top of mind

Customers seek cost parity with ICE vehicles and are unwilling to pay import taxes for EVs The influence of savings from EV charging towards purchase is appreciated by the mass but is non-substantial for the affluent. Affluent buyers seek lower TCO from lower interest.

Sense of ownership

is paramount and hard-wired Customers are attached to car ownership as a form of personal asset that they may resell, hand-down or continue driving after financing. Customers value the ability to customize and personalize their vehicles but will not do so for subscribed vehicles as they are less attached without ownership (hotel vs home)

High levels of anxiety on EV ecosystem

General lack of confidence on the reliability on EVs (range, battery, maintenance requirements) The expectation of the ubiquitous gas-station is unmet by the lack of charging station density, access and longer charging times Even with home charging options, lengthier charging times pose friction to adoption when compared to refueling.

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Core Products are created based on the insights from the personas we interviewed in order to solve their problems and also to fit the purpose of our business.

Main features


Main features provided by EVme for the target audience and MVP launch to attract more users to use the platform.

App architecture


This is an overall app diagram to summarize how information is organized and placed on The EVme application. This Information Architecture focuses on main features and other feature details as well.

User flow

This is an overall app diagram to summarize how information is organized and placed on The EVme application. This Information Architecturefocuses on main features and other feature details as well.

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UI Overview

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