Project duration:
1 Year (2024)
Role & Responsibility:
UI Designer
Project type:
First choice of home solution with the highest product quality and services.
If we were to choose to purchase home-related products, HomePro would undoubtedly be at the top of everyone's mind. This is because HomePro is a renowned distributor of home products and services with over 90 branches
nationwide in Thailand. Additionally, HomePro is a trusted brand in the online market, earning the trust of everyone consistently.

Currently, when purchasing household items, it is undeniable that we must compare functions, designs, and prices from various platforms or stores to enhance market competitiveness and meet consumer behavior. Therefore, HomePro aims to increase the variety of products and services to be more comprehensive. Rapid expansion and quickly bringing products into the market are crucial to the business's success.
Company transform HomePro Online into a marketplace that features numerous leading stores and brands, allowing them to sell their products and services on the platform. More products will better meet consumer needs and expand the customer base, also increasing business opportunities. However, HomePro must also maintain its trustworthiness and standards to remain consistent with HomePro's reputation.


“How might we enhance our experience and services to attract a new generation of users to our business?”
Our challenge

Mobile responsive

UX/UI Design

Tel. +39 3513311454 | Milan Italy, 20125
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